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Glossary of Terms

Branch: A contiguous run of cable ending with a termination Branch 1 starts with the headend or a trunk amp All branches after branch 1 start from a coupler A branch may have any number of other branches leading off from it

Control File: A file that allows the grouping of multiple network files This Control file can then be used to generate various reports involving the grouped networks

Distortion: Changes imparted upon the original signal by transmission and amplification

Dongle: See security key

Network: A relatively independent piece of design that is being worked on at one time A network file can be a plant extension, a feeder leg, or a trunk run for the entire system A Design Assistant network can consist of one or many branches

NIU: Network Interface Units -Also known as Network Interface Devices or On-Premises Devices System devices that provide Broadband/Telephony switching, dial tone, and ring services at the customer location

Node: A logical (as opposed to physical) unit that corresponds to one line of the Entry, Power or Design screens In the real world outside of the computer, it can represent a pole for aerial plant, or a pedestal for underground plant Several nodes can be located at the same pole or pedestal One node in the computer can contain one active, up to four taps, two couplers, all ancillary equipment, and all of the resultant signal levels

Security Key: A piece of computer equipment that is plugged into the computer (usually a USB key) that is required for the Design Assistant to operate properly

Specification File: A data file used by the Design Assistant to list part numbers and operating specifications for Actives, Taps, Couplers, Parameters, Pricing, and other user-definable values